Brief biography of Allama Abdul Latif Chowdhury Fultali


[Name and Surname]
Name Muhammad Abdul Latif Chowdhury, Title Mujaddid Jaman Hadiye Millat, Shamsul Ulama,
Saheb Qiblah Fultali etc. Father Maulana Mufti Md. Abdul Majeed Chowdhury, Mujaddedi Naqshbandi (Rah:) He was a famous Alim, Mufti and elder of Bengal-Assam in India at that time. Allama Phultali Saheb
Qiblah was a descendant of Hazrat Shah Ala Bakhsh (RA), a subordinate of Hazrat Shah Kamal (RA), one of the 360 ​​Auliyas, a companion of the world-famous Aoli Hazrat Shahjalal Mujarrade Yamani (RA), the emperor of Sylhet.

[Place and Date of Birth]
Allama Saheb Qiblah Fultali (Rah:) was born on a Thursday night in Falgun month of 1321 Bengali year 1913 in Fultali village under Jakiganj Thana of Sylhet district.

[Early and Higher Education] Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (RA)
He started his primary education at Baddeorail Fultali Madrasah, under the supervision of Hazrat Maulana Md. Fatir Ali Sahib.
At that time he was Qari Syed Ali Saheb
Learned Qīrāt in near Ilm, later became the privileged disciple of Saheb Qiblah's father Maud Abdul Majeed Chowdhury, the super famous Alim Maulana Muhammad Abdur Rashid of Rangauti Madrasa in Hailkandi District, Assam Province, India.
At the request of Saheb, Fultali Saheb was admitted there in 1336 Bengali year, Allama Fultali Saheb Qiblah completed his secondary education with merit from there, at that time Maulana Mufti Abdul Majeed Chowdhury Saheb, the father of Saheb Qibla passed away, after his father's death, on the advice of Hazrat Badarpuri (RA). Saheb Qibla(Rah:) was admitted to the Badarpur Senior Madrasa in 1931, and completed his higher secondary education there, receiving higher education under the guidance of Hazrat Maulana Shah Yakub Badarpuri (Rah:), the Master of Qibla and Murshid.
He was admitted to Madrasa-e-Alia, one of India's most prestigious schools, Rampur, then to Matlaul Uloom Titled Madrasa of Rampur to learn Hadith, from there in 1355 Hijri, the famous Muhaddith Hazrat Maulana Khalilullah.
Rampuri (RA) and Hazrat Maulana Wajih
Uddin Rampuri (r.a.) received a certificate in the first division in the final examination of Hadith from some masters, where he also acquired deep knowledge in other subjects.

[Obtaining Sanad of Ilm Qiraat] One of the teachers of Ilm Qiraat of Saheb Qiblah Fultali (RA) is Shah Yakub Badarpuri (RA):
Fultali Saheb Qiblah received a certificate from the famous Qari and student of Hazrat Irkchus Al Misri (RA) of Makkatul Mukarrama (RA) by Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Abdur Rauf Karampuri Shabazpuri (RA). The teacher and examiner of scholarsRasul Kurra learned all the Quran Sharif twice from Hazrat Ahmad Hijazi Makki (RA) and received the certificate of knowledge of Qiblah (RA) in Fultali Saheb Qiblah (RA): A Silsilah has reached Rasul (SA).
[Career: Khidmat of Ilme Hadith] Allama Fultali Saheb Qiblah (Rah:) first started his career by joining teaching at Badarpur Aliya Madrasah, Assam, India in 1946 and was Tirmidhi there till 1950.
Sharif, Nasa'i Sharif, Baidwabi Sharif, and taught various subjects of Tafseer, from 1951 to 1954 he was engaged in teaching at Fultali Aliya Madrasa.
In 1954, he joined Sylhet's Gachbari Aliya Madrasa as Muhaddith.
Later he served as Vice Principal and later as Principal, taught Hadith Sharif there for 6 long years, after which he was Satpur Alia for a long time.
He taught Hadith Sharif to the students of Kamil Jamaat in the madrasa, after that he gave Dars of Bakhari Sharif to the students of Kamil Jamaat at his house in Sylhet some times a week.
He was a student till the end of his life
Baddeorail Fultali Aliya Madrasa regularly gave Dars of Hadith Sharif, which is acting as a shining light in today's society.
There are many students of Saheb Qiblah who are teaching Hadith in the outside world including Bangladesh as qualified muhaddis.
[Khidmat of Ilm Qiraat] Fultali Saheb Qiblah (Rah:) Returning home from Makkah Sharif, first Hazrat
Adam Khaki (R.A.) started teaching Qiraat in the mosque adjacent to his shrine, later he taught Qiraat once a week at the bargatta of Jakiganj, Sylhet, in 1940 he started teaching Qiraat at his home in Ilm. As the number of students increased at a rapid pace, there was a need to approve branches and form a board in other places, then the board was named after the name of Saheb Qiblah's father Darul Qirat Majidiya Fultali Trust, Saheb Qiblah gave about 33 acres of his land as waqf in the name of the trustFultali Saheb Qiblah was in prison for two years after independence and QiratHe gave education, served knowledge till the last moment of his life.

[Official Service] Allama Saheb Qiblah (RA)
Propagation of Islam and Islamization of the nation
Building in the light of Tahzeeb Tamaddun
He established numerous madrasahs, maktabs and religious institutions, under his guidance and supervision nearly two hundred madrasahs were run in the country and abroad, he established an orphanage in his home,
There are many orphans to read
Besides, he has established numerous mosques and madrassas in the country and abroad, under his supervision several religious institutions have been established in the United Kingdom and the United States.

[Organizational and Social Services] Allama Saheb Qiblah Fultali (RA) founded numerous social service organizations, among them Anjumane.
Arabia in Madaris, Al Islah Bangladesh in Anjuman, Islamia in Anjuman, Latifia Qari Society,
Yakubiya Hifzul Quran Board, Anjuman
Al Islah UK, its founder and
The Patron, under his supervision established a langarkhana for the destitute at Fultali,
Many projects for helpless poor people
Launched, he launched a housing project for the homeless as kind and idealistic

[Certificate of Qirat] Allama Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.H.) obtained the Sanad of Qirat because there were three, first of all his Ustad and Murshid Qutbul.
Auliya Hazrat Maulana Abu Yusuf Shah
Muhammad Yakub Badarpuri (Rah:) (3) Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Abdul Majeed (4) Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Abdul Wahab
Sylhet, from him to Hazrat Imam Abu Amriddani was famous, secondly his teacher Hazrat Hafiz Maulana Abdur Rauf Karampuri (3) Hazrat Shaykh Irakchus Al Mishri
(4) Hazrat Shaikhul Korra Abdullah Al
(5) Hazrat Qari Ibrahim Saad Mitshari
(6) Hadat Hasan Badbar Shafei
(7) Hazrat Muhammad Al Kaiwalli
(8) Hazrat Syed Ahmad Tihami
(9) Hazrat Ahmad Salmuna
(10) Hazrat Syed Ibrahim Al-Obaidi (11)
Hazrat Abdur Rahman Al Azhuri (12) Hazrat
Sheikh Ahmad Al Baqari
(13) Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Al Baqari
(14) Hazrat Abdur Rahman Al Yamani
(15) Hazrat Shaikh Shakkhaja
(16) Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haque Chanbati
(17) Hazrat Sheikhul Islam Zakaria al
(18) Hazrat Sheikh Dewan Al Akari
(19) Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Annaweri
(28) Hazrat Imam Muhammad Al Jazri
(21) Hazrat Sheikh Ibnul Labban
(22) Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Chihra Assatbi
(23) Hazrat Shaykh Abul Hasas Ali Ibn
(24) Hadith Shaykh Abu Dawud Sulaiman Ibn
(25) Hazrat Imam Abu Amridani
(26) Hazrat Abul Hasan Tahir Ibn Jaliun
(27) Hazrat Saleh Al Hashimi
(28) Hazrat Ahmad Al Ushnani
(29) Hazrat Muhammad Ubayd Al Sabbah
(30) Hazrat Imam Hafs
(31) Hazrat Imam Achim Ibn Abu Nunjud Al
(32) Hazrat Abu Abdullah Ibn Habib (AS).
and Zor ibn Habish
(33) Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Usman (RA)
Hazrat Ali (RA) Hazrat Abdullah Ibn
Masood (RA) Hazrat Ubai Ibn Ka'b (RA)
Hazrat Zayd Ibn Thabit (RA)
(34) Syedul Murchalin
Shafiul Mujnibin Muhammadur Rasulullah (SAW)
(35) Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) Allah Rabbul
From Laohe Mahfuz of Alamin.
[Authentication of Hadith] Allama Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.H.): Obtaining the authentication of Hadith Sharif in two series.
First of all: Fultali Saheb Qiblah (Rah:)
He has obtained the certificate of Hadith Sharif
Khalilullah Rampuri (Rah:) received Sanad from world famous Muhaddith Maulana Khalilullah Rampuri (Rah:) (Shaykhul Hadith)
From Maulana Manuwar Ali Rampuri (RA):
Second: Fultali Saheb Qibla (Rah:)
Has obtained the certificate of Hadith Sharif.
Famous Muhaddis Maulana of India
Ajih Uddin Rampuri (Rah:) from Ajih
Uddin (Rah:) got the certificate
Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri
(RA) from Hazrat Maulana Anwar Shah
Kashmiri (Rah:) and
Sanad of Hazrat Maulana Manuwar Ali (RA).
It is well-known to the scholars, it does not need to be described.

[Tarikar Sanad]
1) Fultali Saheb of the Qiblah Tariqat [Ilm
[of Tasawwuf] obtained the certificate 2)
Maulana Shah Muhammad Yakub (Bundashili)
3) Maulana Hafiz from Badarpuri (Rah:).
4) Hazrat from Ahmad Jaunpuri (RA).
Maulana Keramat Ali
5) Syed Ahmad Shaheed from Jaunpuri (Rah:).
6) Shah Abdul Aziz from Beralvi (Rah:).
7) Shai from Muhaddis Dehlavi (Rah:).
Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi (RA)
From 8) From Shah Abdur Rahim (RA).
Four ways up to Rasulullah (SAW).
There is a famous Sanad, the detailed description of which is in the Shajrar, besides Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi (r.a.) (al
Intebahfi Chalachil Awliya e Allah)
And other books include Phultali Saheb Tara Pir and Murshid Maulana Shah Muhammad Yakub Badarpuri.
(Rah:) With the permission of the famous Oli Rampur Alia Madrasah of Rampur in Hindustan, he took Bayat of Chishtiyya Nezamiya Tariqa from Muhaddis Maulana Gholam Mohiuddin (Rah:), Gholam Mohiuddin (Rah:) was the caliph of Maulana Shah Mushtaq Rampuri (Rah:).

[Shamsul Ulama title] Allama Saheb Qiblah Fultali (retd:) In 1999, he traveled to various countries in Europe and the Middle East, including Britain, for the invitation to Islam. He was awarded the Bangladesh National Student Award in Britain by conducting research on the work life of Saheb Qiblah Fultali for his rare role of serving Islam for a lifetime[B,N,S,A] nominated him as the greatest figure of the century and awarded him the title of Shamsul Ulama.
[Composed Text] Allama Saheb Qiblah Fultali (R.A.) In the midst of life's hundred busynesses and at different times
Authored various books, his books include:-
1) At Tanvir Alat Tafseer; sacred
A rich book on Qur'anic exegesis,
2) Muntakhabus Seor; Regarding Sirat,
3) Al Khutbatul Yaqubiya; Twelve slaves
4) Anwarus Salikin; About Tasawuf
written text
5) Nalaye Kalandar; Hamad, naat and prayer
Rich books, books written on the subject, besides at various times he wrote books in religious and contemporary contexts and
Authored countless books.

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